THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2018
Preparation for prom night can fill our teens with anxiety and excitement about their outfits and who they're going to go to the dance with, but the drive there isn't usually on their list of things to think about. So it's up to you take a few moments before they head out to remind your teen about keeping themselves and others safe during this infamous night out.
- Memories: Tell them to enjoy their night and not to drink. They are going have a fun time at prom, but drinking can impair their memory of that night. It's going to be a night to remember so they should stay sober to do that. Also, let them know that to they should never leave any beverages unattended during the night.
- Maturity: Remind your teen that drinking and doing drugs is the most immature and irresponsible decision they could make. Being mature is about making the right decision and keeping your future in sight. They should go with a with trusted friends who look out for each other. Peer pressure may tempt them to drink that night, but remind them that you hope they are strong enough to say no.
- Goals: Remind them of the plans they have after high school. Let them know they shouldn't ruin their dreams by drinking or doing drugs on Prom night or any night.
- The Good & The Bad: Explain what you did right and what bad judgement calls you made on your prom night. Relating to them will remind them that you are human and also have made decisions that you regret. You want them to learn from your mistakes.
- Go over the rules of the road one more time before they leave:
- Buckle your seat belt no matter how short the trip is.
- Don't speed
- Pay attention to the road. Don't get distracted with phones, social media, or passengers
- Don't take a ride from anyone who has been drinking or doing drugs. Have a plan B just in case something go astray.
- Reassure them that they can call you at any point of the night for a ride because you would rather they be safe then remain in a dangerous situation.

It's important to know where your teen will be throughout the evening. If your teen decides they want to attend an after party, make sure there isn't any alcohol served at this party and that they don't attend alone. If you decide to host a party for your teen and their friends, never provide alcohol to teens because you could face serious fines or even jail time. We hope that your teen stays safe and that you feel better about sending your teen off for the night.
Call AM/PM Insurance Agency, Inc. at 323-277-2850 to make sure your teen is covered to drive your vehicle. They may be able to qualify for a student discount, ask us how!

Posted 7:26 PM Tags: seguro de auto, prom, teenagers, teen drivers, driving, drunk driving, alcohol, drugs, speeding, distracted driving, distractions, texting, tweeting, instagram, social media, safety tips, drugs, seat belts, impaired driving, marijuana, los angeles, california, southern california, prom, graduation, grad night, roadside assistance, insurance, auto insurance, include, exclude
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