The holidays are upon us and we have to make room for all the Freindsgivings, Ugly X-Mas Sweater Parties, Kwanza, Hanukkah, and New Year's celebrations that are going to happen in the coming weeks.
We've been using the KonMari method on our homes, but didn't know what to do with bulky items that weren't in quite good enough shape to donate to our local second hand store.
We found that if you're in Los Angeles County area you can go to the LA Sanitation website to do a service request or check out their local drop off places. So while you're pulling out your holiday decorations and cleaning out your garage, sheds, and storage you can letting go of things that don't spark joy. If you're not in LA, give them a call to see if they can connect you to your local sanitation organization in California.
Now that your home is clean, give us a call for your free Homeowner's Insurance or Renter's Insurance quote. We can go over your current policy and see if you need to update your coverage and hopefully save you some money while we're at it. Visit us in Huntington Park or give us a call at (323)277-2850.
Happy Holidays,