According to a survey made in the Sierra Mountain in January 2018, the snowpack is less than 1/3 of the normal amount it usually is around this time of the year.
We don't want to discourage anyone, so this post is dedicated to conserving water in our homes. Water conservation should be an essential practice to Californians and we are going to give you some ideas of things you can start doing at home today, along with a few more things you can work on through our the year. These tips with help you save money on your utility bill and prevent water pollution in nearby bodies of water.
Water Conservation Tips for your Home...
Starting today...
- Take shorter showers. A 4 minute shower uses approximately 20-40 gallons of water. One way to cut down on water use, is turning the water off while shaving or lathering up, then turning it back on to rinse off.
- Don't use your toilet as an wastebasket: Every time you flush a piece of trash, five to seven gallons of water is wasted.
- Use your washing machine and dishwasher for full loads only. These should be fully loaded for optimum water conservation. Avoid the permanent press cycle on your washing machine, which uses about 5 gallons for the extra rinse cycle. Consider buying a water-saving frontload washer if you're in the market for a new washing machine.
- Turn off the faucet after you wet your toothbrush and fill a glass to rinse your mouth out.
- Don't leave the water running while you wash your dishes by hand.
- Use this water calculator to find out how much water your family uses throughout the year.
Add to your to do list...

- Check your toilet for leaks: To do this, put some food coloring in your toilet tank. Without flushing, if the color begins to appear in the bowl within about 30 minutes, you have a leak.
- Check faucets & pipes for leaks: A small drip from a worn faucet can waste 20 gallons of water per day! Larger leaks can waste hundreds of gallons.
- Use a water meter to check for hidden water leaks. Read the house water meter before
- Insulate your water pipes. It's an inexpensive way to get hot water faster, so you can avoid wasting water while it heats up.
- Plant drought-resistant lawns, shrubs and plants
- Put a layer of mulch around trees and plants to slow evaporation of moisture. This also helps discourage weed growth.
- Don't rinse off your driveway. Opt to sweep the area when possible.
- Avoid watering your lawn on windy days.
- Install rain barrels around your home so you store and use that for watering your plants during the dry seasons.
- You can report water waste in your community here.
There are so many more ways you can improve your water conservation at home to save thousands of gallons a year, but we hope that this list is a good start. If you have any other tips that you've tried at home that have helped your conserve water and save money, let us know in the comments below.
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*Information obtained by