The kids are back in school and some of them are taking the big yellow bus every morning. This is one of the safest and convenient ways for students to get to and from school. The riskiest part of taking this form of transportation for students would be the dangers while boarding the bus. This is only dangerous because drivers forget or ignore the rules that come with driving near school buses. Whether you feel knowledgeable of all the school bus safety rules, here is a refresher on school bus procedures.
Hazard Lights – Proceed with caution. (Luces de Emergencia - Proceder con precaución)
Located towards the lower half of the bus, the hazard lights begin flashing when a bus has stopped to let children aboard, but the students won't be crossing the road to reach the bus. Motorists are allowed to pass the bus when these lights are on, but they are warned to be extremely cautious and alert while doing so.
Situada hacia la mitad inferior del autobús, las luces de emergencia comienzan a parpadear cuando un autobús se ha detenido para permitir que los niños a bordo, pero los estudiantes no tendrán que cruzar la vía para llegar al autobús. Los conductores se les permite pasar el autobús cuando estas luces están encendidas, pero se les advierte que ser extremadamente cauteloso y alerta mientras lo hace.

Flashing Red & Yellow Lights – Prepare to stop… (Luces rojas y amarillas - Preparase para detener)
Bus drivers trigger the flashing red/yellow lights on the upper half of the bus as a warning that they are about to stop. They typically start flashing about 200 feet prior to stopping. Once the bus actually stops, the flashing red lights will go on and all traffic will also be required to stop.
Los conductores de autobús activan las luces rojas/amarillas en la mitad superior del autobús como una advertencia de que están a punto de detener. Por lo general, comienzan a parpadear unos 200 pies antes de detenerse. Una vez que el autobús se detiene en realidad se convierte en luz roja y detener todo el tráfico también es necesario.

Flashing Red Lights –
STOP! (Luces rojas intermitentes - Detener su vehiculo)
The flashing red lights on the upper half of the bus, which may be accompanied by the protruding stop sign on the side, signal that all traffic in both directions must stop immediately. Whether you are driving behind the bus, in a lane going the opposite direction of a bus, or on a street intersecting the one the bus is on, it is imperative that you stop. It's illegal to pass a school bus while the red lights are flashing, for doing so would endanger the children who are boarding.
Las luces rojas en la mitad superior del autobús, que puede ir acompañada de la señal de ALTO que sobresale en el lado, señalan que todo el tráfico en ambas direcciones debe parar inmediatamente. Ya sea que usted está conduciendo detrás del autobús, en un carril en sentido contrario de un autobús, o en una calle que corta el uno del autobús está encendido, es imprescindible que usted deja. Es ilegal pasar un autobús escolar, mientras que las luces rojas están parpadeando, para hacerlo pondría en peligro a los niños que son internados.

It is incredibly imperative to be alert and patient while driving near school buses and school zones. Children can be unpredictable, so you need to be prepared. Check out our school bus safety post about rules while riding the school bus to learn more. Make sure to share the importance of these procedures with your loved ones, especially new teen drivers. Stay safe on the road.

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Posted 1:02 PM Tags: school bus, bus, safety, bus safety, student, spanish, espanol, conductores, autobus, drivers, rules of the road, bus safety, tips, fyi, rules, procedures, school zone, hazard lights, flashing lights, red light, yellow light, caution, precaution, teen drivers, illegal, endanger, danger, precaution, caution, back to school, kids, children,
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