🌡Suuuummmmmerrrrr!!!🌡 It's that time of year again when the sunny days get sunnier and the shorts get shorter. We found a few cool free home improvement events and family friendly things that we thought would be useful to you and your family. Click the links in blue.
Es esa época del año otra vez cuando los días soleados reciben más sol y los pantalones cortos se hacen más cortos. Encontramos algunos eventos para mejorar el hogar y cosas favorables a la familia que pensamos que sería útil para usted y su familia . Haga clic en los enlaces en azul.
🌳Free trees (
árboles gratis):
Tree Adoption with City Plants

🌧🛢Water Conservation (conservación del agua):
Rain Barrels at a reduced price
How to make and install Rain Barrels!

♨️Prepare for the Heatwave with this link where you can find free places with AC, tips for staying cool, and saving energy(prepararse para la ola de calor: lugares con corriente alterna libre, consejos para mantenerse fresco y ahorro de energía):
LA Mayor

👪Here are a few things for your kids to do (aquí hay algunas cosas gratis que pueden hacer sus hijos y la familia):
YMCA Locations Near YOU!
Don't go hungry this summer. Click here for a map of places that serve free meals to children!
Let your kids get some job experience.
Free things to do in Los Angeles.

🌞Have a safe and happy summer vacation.🌞

Posted Tuesday, June 21 2016 3:34 PM
Tags : east la, east los angeles, vacation, heatwave, air-conditioning, hire la's youth, the yout, the youth, la mayor, los angeles, compton, lynwood, huntington park, family, familia, walnut park, vernon, southern california, south gate, heatwave, free food, food, comida, gratis, jobs, youth jobs, conservation, water conservation, h2o, trees, free trees, tree adoption, adoption, home owners, renters, free activities, fun, ymca, museums, museos, gratis